Working alongside the executive team, The Mountain Group brings the right tools to bear when businesses are facing a point of inflection


Rapid turnarounds, new explorations, or last resort restructuring can tax resources and challenge the core of an organization. The Mountain Group offers ideas, skills and time to firms whose business units are facing these material challenges. We work alongside existing management, serving as advisors, coaches, or project managers. Our principals are each experienced CEO's who have guided a variety of industries in locales around the world. 



In a turnaround situation, we bring expertise necessary to develop alternatives, accurately weigh possible outcomes, and resolve conflicts between the stakeholders.


In a merger and divesture, we provide shareholders confidence that the investment bankers, lawyers, and internal teams will efficiently accomplish the goals set by the Board.

 Guiding STRATEGIC change

In a variety of other circumstances, we provide an outside perspective, a neutral third party, who is able to negotiate to resolution the complexities being faced.

We analyze systems and strengths to create opportunity


Over the past twenty years, the principals of the Mountain Group have developed common understandings about business and our practice of consulting.

  • First, we believe three elements are essential to success in business: an effective strategy, a healthy culture, and sound business practices.
  • Second, if a firm is stagnating, or finding it difficult to move forward, rarely is a single problem the cause. Most likely there are systemic issues that need to be tackled.
  • Third, in every company, regardless of performance, some elements are working right, that have value, and need to be nurtured and developed.
  • Fourth, our role is not just to analyze and assess the company's specific circumstances and need; alongside management, we must develop alternative courses of action, forecast the risks and possibilities for each, facilitate consensus among the stakeholders, and then implement the measures agreed to.

Guiding Strategic Change


Charting a company’s course for the near-term future, outlining the steps to its goals, is critical for success. Overtly and correctly making strategic decisions, deciding what markets to pursue, what advantage over the competition to exploit, how to extract value from the market once captured, creates success. Squeezed by the demands of operations, this critical function often gets ignored by management or lacks a process that fosters the innovation, or insight needed to succeed. A budgeting cycle is too often the only process that considers strategic challenges. Inadequate in its scope or approach, a budget-centric approach misses key opportunities for creating value.

The Mountain Group advocates a planning process that goes far beyond the typical amassment of analysis into policy and option books ending with senior executives pooling ideas in a conference room: Using a company approach, distinct from the budgeting cycle, new insights, and answers found to common strategic decisions.

  • Market selection is focused on customer patterns, their needs, trends and size
  • Competitive positioning is enhanced through an examination of industry dynamics, competitors strengths and weaknesses, potential for new entrants or substitutes and alternative options and risks
  • Execution blocks are identified by assessing the strategic options with the company’s cultural and operational issues
  • Financial modeling of options and risks allows for insight on key business drivers and selection of performance metrics, as well as five-year rolling financial models
  • Joint ventures, mergers, or acquisition options are evaluated in the context of markets, competitive advantage, culture, and business practices
  • Development of exit strategies and business unit disposal are evaluated similarly.

Implementing Best Business Practices

Over the years The Mountain Group has assimilated the best practices of numerous companies, industries, and organizations. Combined with ongoing academic research and study, The Mountain Group has developed a suite of best practices for key areas of business. Areas we have addressed previously include:

  • Engineering and product development inbound logistics, including procurement, warehousing, handling
  • Manufacturing, or service delivery sales and marketing
  • Outbound logistics, including channel strategies, distribution, inventory management
  • Budgeting and planning structures 
  • Financial modeling
  • Board roles and management
  • Human resource development
  • Leadership tools and practices
  • Development of efficient, up-to-date operating systems including key operational tracking systems 
  • Financial management and analysis (including cash and risk management systems)

Leading Cultural Change

An effective culture meaningfully rewards innovation and execution. It keeps the organization’s members efforts unified, focused on the corporation's values, strategies, and practices. A company’s course for the future can become derailed through internal inefficiencies or conflicts. Leadership, organizational structure, compensation systems, and much more defines and shapes a corporate culture. If an effective culture does not exist, the Mountain group can work alongside management to understand the core issues, the consequences of culture and to facilitate a change.

We start projects knowing our involvement can influence culture. As we do our work, we seek to model good culture, effective assessment, and decision making. After identifying possible performance inhibitors/accelerators, we engage management in a frank discussion on issues and opportunities through structured reviews and work alongside management implementing these changes and evaluating the progress being made. Our services include:

  • Appraisals of management and existing culture
  • Employee and customer survey’s
  • Compensation program evaluation
  • Evaluation of control/reporting practices
  • Coaching of key managers
  • Team building exercises, workshops, or other similar steps.

Our fees typically include three elements:

  • A reservation fee, paid in advance, that secures the principles time.

  • An hourly fee for work performed that varies depending on the principle, work performed.

  • A success fee to be paid upon accomplishment of agreed to objectives.

Our project fees for an engagement can vary from $5,000 to $5 million depending on the scope of work.